Friday, November 30, 2012

staying healthy

The well that you dig
is that which you drink from.
The grain that leaves your hands
is that which truly

Speaking English

Speak not while talking
move your words
In the dance
Forever upwards
moths to the light
Lets you and me
Talk tonight
Screen doors
Want mores
And cant haves
Cut halves
Our souls

My ghost
Met most
Of yours
The dampened cool
lamp lit fool
Of us

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

fox monologue

what a trick
to be so slick
as to pull one over my eyes
and oh so steady
to catch me ready
for nothing but a surprise


a summer tree
bids me a shadow
to dance all over the grass
a school of grass
bids me a shimmer
under the wind at last

the sun whispers
with far off flames
to tip me 'afternoon'
my eyes can wander
all over the world
still without enough room

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

faith healing and planting by the signs

When stars won't shoot,
or ever even fall,
and you're left standing,
but not so tall,


grit your teeth
in the loudest silence
sit down
with the stillest violence
hold tight in your gut and chest
the truth.
i'll sing the rest

"this little light of yours
you're gonna let it pour
this little light of mine
im gonna let it shine
these little lights of ours
we're gonna light like stars
in the sky
in the sky
way up high"

Sunday, November 11, 2012

hi there

hello self.
hold me tight.
hug me still.
sing at night.

and don't forget that
your heart has at night-time
that which it takes in the morning.
and the dew is sweeter
when the grass is thankful.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

what impossible looks like

an egg was sunk deep in the sea
she soon grew up to be a tree
her leaves are feathers
and her time whenevers
up over my waves of me


bones of my friends will fill
the shallows of the earth until
the mud under the gallows
hallows the halls
of my heart
with the holy decay
from my last day
forward and on and on
not lost but yon
over the hills of