Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The man with the blue balloon

one day a man with a blue balloon.
walked around and whistled a tune.
he saw a girl with a pretty smile.
so they sat and talked a while.
before he got up and went away.
he gave her the balloon. it started that day:

she missed the man an awful lot
it was nearly every thought.
for every thought she had of it
she'd blow it up a little bit.
time went on and then one day
they met again while on their way.

she said "look sir. I've stretched it out."
he said "I knew you would without a doubt."

Saturday, July 9, 2011


silence. it is moons turn
shh shh shh
the water says

sleep to the endless churn
shh shh shh
the water says

I know she is out in there somewhere
shh shh shh
the water says

swimming and oh her golden hair
shh shh shh
the water says